John Wick, is an American action film directed by David Leitch and Chad Stahelski and released in 2014. It stars Keanu Reeves in the title role, who is a former hitman forced to return to work to find the one who assaulted him, stole his car and killed his beagle puppy (Daisy), a gift from his recently deceased wife2. Stahelski and Leitch, both of 87Eleven Productions, directed the film together, although Leitch is not credited in the credits.
John Wick is written by Derek Kolstad, who completed the screenplay in 2012, and is being developed by Thunder Road Pictures4. It is notably produced by Basil Iwanyk of Thunder Road Pictures, David Leitch and Eva Longoria. This is the first feature film by Leitch and Stahelski, who notably coordinated the stunts on the Matrix trilogy, where Reeves already played.
- More information : John Wick
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