Cat Neko Rahmen, also known as Neko Ramen, is a four-panel Japanese comic book manga created by Kenji Sonishi. The comedy centers around a cat (Taishō) and his encounters while running a ramen shop.
The yonkoma series was adapted into a television flash anime produced by Think Corporation, with 26 episodes to date. The original yonkoma is still published in the monthly Japanese manga magazine Monthly Comic Blade. Neko Rahmen was the most-watched animated short series on Yahoo! Japan's official streaming site as of August 2007.
The series is also known for being the first anime series to be licensed exclusively by an American IPTV company, Vuze, and made available for free download without digital restrictions. Vuze also subtitled the series' 13-episode first season in English. There was a live-action adaptation for Tornado Film titled "Neko Ramen Taishō", which uses both real cats and stuffed puppets.
. More information : Cat Neko Rahmen
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